
Reciprocal space


In solid state physics the reciprocal space is used in terms of energy bands. The video below gives an explination where the reciprocal space originates from and how it is related to atoms, atomic distance and atomic weight.

Energy band structure


Free electron gas has a parabolic energy band shape. Where this comes from is visualized in the video below. It explaines how heavier atoms exhibit less bending of the energy band and how angle resolved photoemission determines the energy bands in a solid.

Dispersion relation


The dispersion relation reveals details about lattice vibrations (phonons) of atoms. This video visualizeshow the lattice vibrations relate to the dispersion relation

Electron mobility in a metal and an insulator


The video below vsualizes how atoms link to the energy band picture and electron mobility in a matal and insulator



This quasiqarticle is formed when light resonantly interacts with quantum well and vise verca. The video below explains in detail how the interaction takes place.

Last update: 4th of February, 2021